What to do if there’s a mouse in your room?

There are a few things you can do if there’s a mouse in your room:

  1. Panic. Scream and cry like they do in the movies when they see mice. Then run out of the room and never step foot in it again.
  2. Burn your house down. This will get rid of the mouse, but also everything else inside it (please know that we’re joking here).
  3. Run. Get in your car and drive very, very far away. Maybe drive to an airport, catch a flight to the Bahamas, and begin your new life as a coconut farmer.

So, are any of these options tempting? Nah, we didn’t think so either. The most important thing to do if there’s a mouse in your room is to first stay calm. Then consider doing one or more of the following actions before getting in professionals like Adam’s Pest Control.

Find the entry point

The mouse in your room has to be getting in from somewhere. Due to their small size and flexibility, they don’t need much of a gap to get into your home. Entry points for mice could include small cracks in your doors, floors, walls or even your roof. If you spot a small gap that seems likely for a mouse to crawl through, it may be worth sealing it.

Set traps

Mousetraps are an effective way of handling minor mouse problems. If there’s a mouse in your room, head down to the supermarket and grab a couple of mouse traps. Put them in the corners of your room, behind your wardrobes, or wherever else you suspect a mouse may have visited. Oh, and use peanut butter as bait instead of cheese! It’s much easier for a mouse to successfully steal cheese than sticky peanut butter.

Mouse poison is another effective method of controlling a mouse in your room. It’s also available in most stores, but only use this method if there are no other pets or small children in your home as mouse poison is, well, poisonous.

Eliminate hiding spots

Mice love to hide. If there’s a mouse in your room, it’s a good idea to make it difficult for the critter to hide. This could include giving your room a good clean, bringing furniture off the walls and making sure the corners of your rooms are free from hiding spots.

Professional help

If none of these methods have worked, and your mouse problem persists, it’s time to call a pro. Adam’s Pest Control are one of Australia’s most experienced and trusted pest control businesses, with more than 75 years of experience in the field. Their philosophy is stopping the problem at the source so that they take care of pest issues once, and once only. To rid your room of mice for good, contact the team at Adam’s Pest Control today.