How to Prevent Garden Pests in Australia

No one wants to see the hard work invested in their garden go to waste. And when pests find their way to your veggie patch, it’s only a matter of time until they start digging into your greens.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent garden pests from vegging out on your efforts, and it doesn’t always require harsh chemicals and pesticides.

Garden Pests Common in Australia

While some insects can be good for your garden, certain pests won’t do your plants any good. Australia is home to plenty of native insects and critters, combined with introduced species that only increase the risks of damage to your garden. Some of the most common unwelcome guests in your garden include:

  • Birds snack on seeds, fruit and vegetables
  • Very hungry caterpillars
  • Snails and slugs carry parasitic lungworm – especially hazardous to your pets
  • Aphids, earwigs, and grubs lay eggs and eat your crops
  • Christmas beetles feed on grass roots
  • Rabbits, rats and mice wreak havoc in your garden

How to get the pests out and stop them from coming back 

If you’ve already found pesky rodents and insects have settled into your garden, there are ways to treat the problem. You can also take proactive steps to stop the pests from entering in the first place.

Netting, wire and deterrents 

Protective materials create a barrier between bigger pests like rodents and birds, while allowing beneficial insects to still come through. Invest in:

  • Garden netting for an overhead barrier
  • Chicken wire at ground level
  • Garden fleece to protect from birds as well as cold weather
  • Scarecrows and decoy predators 

Don’t give up!

You might not see an immediate result from your efforts, but don’t let that discourage you! Sometimes it takes time for natural remedies to completely rid you of the problem pests, especially if they’re quick to reproduce or have been there for a while. Keep persisting and soon your greens will be as healthy as ever!

Keep track of pests with Adam’s Pests

Adams Pest Control provides you with a range of services to remove pests from your garden or property, as well as the technology to monitor pest behaviour and movement. Our electronic monitoring system is a great proactive response to pests in commercial property, allowing you to discreetly manage pests.

Whether you’ve got rats in the roof or ants throughout the house, Adams Pest Control can offer a solution. Enquire with us today on 1300 933.