Are There Wasps In Your Walls?

Wasps in the Walls – How to Keep Them Out 

Wasp colonies love to find homes in warm, private locations easily accessed – which is why they so often take up residence in houses, sheds and garages.  

There are a few distinct signifiers of a wasp infestation, and it’s important to act quickly when you find them, to prevent further damage to your property. 

Find out more about wasp infestations below. 

The beginning of wasp activity

Wasp colonies usually start in spring, when warmer weather encourages a queen to emerge from hibernation. Once she has gathered her strength she will begin the process of finding a suitable nesting place to begin laying eggs.

Wasps like to return to the same spot every year because of the pheromones left behind, which is why if you’ve had a colony once you will probably have a colony twice. Queens will choose spots in hollow trees, houses, compost boxes or sheds to reside in, and a mature nest can be home to 20,000 to 100,000 wasps.  

What do wasps like?

There are a few factors appealing to wasps, including: 

  • Easy access and open entry points to your property
  • Bright and floral foliage
  • Food or drink lying around – especially anything sweet
  • Open water sources
  • Weathered or decaying wood 

Why wasps are hazardous?

Wasps can damage most structures they nest in, as they work to stretch out the confined space as much as possible. They will eat through ceilings, walls and plaster boards, and even slight damage can lead to significant, expensive, structural damage to your property. 

Signs of wasps

Worried you’ve got wasps? Here are a few signs:

  • Wasps flying around your property – a clear sign they’ve made a home close by
  • Wasp colonies leave noticeable brown streaks when they eat their way into a room 
  • You’ll notice constant noise, a consistent buzzing, in your property
  • Wasp nests resemble a papery balloon or football, with a swirl pattern on the outside layers 

Don’t annoy a wasp!

Wasps defend their nests, and they’ll do so with their sting. What’s more, if one member of the colony has stung a pet or human, you are marked as a threat to the other colony members. So once sting usually equates to more stings, and you even risk a full attach from an angry colony if they are disturbed. 

A professional pest removalist is the best and safest bet for your safety and your properties structural integrity. Technicians can inspect your property across all cracks and corners of your home to determine the exact location of your colony. 

Get rid of wasps with Adam’s Pests 

It’s important to act quickly if you notice or suspect a wasp colony in your property. Adam’s Pest Control can provide you with a diligent inspection and removal service at a suitable time, and have innovative technologies to help detect and monitor ongoing pest issues. For more information enquire with us today on 1300 933 789.