Signs of Silverfish Infestation and What to Do

When you hear the name ‘silverfish’, it doesn’t sound too threatening, does it? It’s easy to imagine a school of cute little fish that are silver, swimming around happily in the ocean. Unfortunately, the actual silverfish bears zero resemblance to this description. Silverfish are ugly little insects with long antennae. They feed on whatever food you’ve got lying around the house and can ever chew through books and linens. Today, we’ll talk you through some signs of a silverfish infestation in your home and what to do about it.

Signs of silverfish infestation

Here are some common signs you’ve got a silverfish problem:

Seeing silverfish

While seeing one or two silverfish may not faze you, it’s important to keep a close watch on whether you see them regularly in your home. A silverfish infestation can quickly get out of hand, so if you start seeing them more often, you must take action quickly.

Silverfish droppings are another sign of silverfish infestation. These droppings are fairly identifiable, being unique in their small, black peppercorn shape. You may have spotted them in areas like your kitchen, basement, garage or storage areas.

Shed skin

Silverfish shed their skin, and this skin is one way to pick up on an infestation. This brittle, greyish skin can be found in similar areas to their droppings, particularly around kitchens and basements.

What to do about silverfish infestations

Once you’ve noticed a silverfish infestation in your home, you’ve got to do something about it. Here are some options for you:

Keep your house clean
Silverfish are attracted to food and paper. Keep your kitchen clean, with a focus on keeping sugar and flour in tight containers. Silverfish are commonly found in basements where books and magazines have been stored. Remove these sources of paper from your home, giving silverfish one less reason to pay you a visit.

Contact a professional

While silverfish baits or conservative methods may provide a temporary solution to silverfish infestations, there’s only one way to guarantee permanent eradication of silverfish: by contacting a pest control expert. Pest control professionals can locate entry points for silverfish, remove the source of their attraction and destroy their nests. A top-class pest control team will even offer the option of an electronic monitoring system that guarantees 24/7 monitoring of your silverfish problems.

If you want to make sure that silverfish aren’t calling your home their own, then it’s time to get in touch with the team at Adams Pest Control. They’re experts in silverfish extermination, alongside management for every other kind of pest. Servicing Melbourne, Geelong and Adelaide, Adams Pest Control provide lasting results, using state-of-the-art technology for a top-quality yet affordable service. Contact the experts at Adams Pest Control for a quote and get one step closer to a pest-free home today.