Signs of a Termite Infestation

Termites are expensive houseguests, which is why it’s important to spot them as soon as possible. If you’ve got an inkling that termites have moved in, here are a few distinct factors that point to an infestation. 

1) Mud ‘tubes’

Subterranean termites require special shelter for protection once they emerge from the ground, essentially a tunnel to travel around. Termites create mud workings, made of dirt and droppings, that look like miniature tubes. 

These tubes are a clear warning sign, and the construction of these tubes will enable termites to travel through and infiltrate your home. If you’ve spotted mud tubes, it’s too late to take proactive and preventative measures. To prevent the potential for mud tubes, make sure there is no build up of moist soil or dirt around the perimeter of your property. 

Repeat short circuits and power outages 

The warmth of electrical fitting behind walls is very attractive to termites, so if you’ve noticed unexplainable short circuits occurring regularly it might be as a result of these insects. Check your electrical fittings and power sockets for a build-up of earthy materials such as damp mud or soil. 

3) Floor or ceiling damage

Termites eat wood, and they’ll eat any wood that crosses their path. While small, termite colonies can cause major damage to the structural integrity of your property, impacted laminated floors, ceiling beams and skirting boards. Damage will look like noticeable blisters, cracks or sags in these surfaces indicate possible termites have made their way into your home. 

4) Swarms of flying insects outside

If you spot an irregular amount of white, winged insects during spring and summer it’s possible your home as been infested with flying termites, alates. Alates reproduce in rotting stumps or large piles of wood, which is why it’s good to clear any excess wood around your property.

5) Cracked paint or plaster 

Damage to walls will usually resemble minor water damage, but it can be a complicated issue to fix. The bubbling, honeycombing effect can be due to termites eating away at timber in the internal walls, which will adversely affect the structural integrity of the property. 

Sound familiar? 

Termites aren’t the most pleasant of neighbours, and if you haven’t already taken preventative measures you will need a professional to exterminate them before there is any further damage.

Adam’s Pest Control handles termite control across Melbourne, leveraging a wealth of experience monitoring, removing and managing all pests found in Australian properties. Reach out for an inspection, or to discuss options for fast pest removal today. 

Call 1300 933 789 today.