You might not think of pest control as an ever-changing industry like IT or medicine, but it most definitely is. Like most industries, pest control has changed rapidly as technology progresses and will continue to do so in the years to come. Electronic Monitoring Systems (EMS) are currently being used by forward-thinking pest control businesses as a way to constantly monitor your pest issues. In this post, we’ll talk about the benefits of monitoring pest infestations and who to talk to if you need this service.
24/7 monitoring
Part of the beauty of monitoring your pest infestation is that the technology works 24 hours a day. This means that no pest will go unnoticed; EMSs use data analytics to tell us the levels of pest presence, allowing us to stop them before they get out of hand. Having a 24/7 service also means that less time is spent on-site, which allows more exterminators to be at your site in person when you really need it.
Prevention is better than the cure
There’s an old saying: prevention is better than the cure. This can be applied to many industries, and pest control is one of them. Monitoring your pest infestation is the best way to ensure that prevention is put in place, rather than letting your infestation grow to concerning amounts. If your pest infestation does grow considerably, the EMS will be able to pick this up, informing us that action needs to be taken.
Applicable to all scales of use
EMS technology in the pest control industry can be applied to all scales of problems. Whether you’re protecting your farm from a plague of mice or monitoring your home’s cockroach issue, EMSs can be used to effectively monitor both issues. The future of pest control in monitoring pest infestations improves life for everybody.
Reduction of toxic chemicals
Returning to the idea of prevention being better than the cure, this translates into practical results and hard evidence. Studies show that monitoring pest infestations can reduce the use of toxic chemicals in your home or farm by up to 80%. That’s a massive reduction of toxic chemicals, never before seen in the pest control industry. Thanks to EMS and data analytics, exterminators know exactly how much fumigation they need to use to successfully handle your pest control issues, unlike previous years in pest management when this was more difficult to exactly determine.
The future of pest control lies in one major improvement: monitoring your pest infestations. So, if you want electronic monitoring services for your site, contact the team at Adams Pest Control. Their trained technicians are experts in installing monitoring devices, keeping a close watch on your pest situation. Head to their website or call up Adams Pest Control today for a fast quote.