What is the best method to get rid of roaches?

No matter how clean your house is, you can almost bet that once in a while you will encounter a cockroach. They’re cunning, clever and quick little buggers who are great at getting into people’s homes and sniffing out food. And unless you feel like keeping them as pets (uh, no thanks), then we take it you want to get rid of them. So, what’s the best method to get rid of roaches? Let’s go through and personally find the best method for you in this post.

Cockroach baits

Depending on the scale of your cockroach problem, you may find that store-bought cockroach baits are the best method of getting rid of them. These baits are for when you already have cockroaches in your home but can also act as a preventative measure for up to 3 months. The baits lure in the roaches and poison them when they feed on it. When the roaches return to the nest and die, they poison the other roaches too. Place the cockroach baits under your fridge, washing machine and bathroom cabinets.

The great thing about cockroach baits is that they’re scentless and clean. But keep them out of reach of pets, as they are dangerous if your pet chews them.

DIY cockroach bait

You can create your own cockroach bait which may be the best method of eliminating cockroaches in your home. Boric acid is an effective cockroach killer and, when mixed with sugar, it becomes a great roach bait. Take three-parts boric acid and one-part sugar and leave the bait mix in a small container under your fridge, washing machine, or wherever the roaches are appearing. This will quickly and safely kill the cockroaches. Keep in mind, boric acid bait may not be the best method if you have pets or small children due to safety hazards.

Roach bomb

If the baits aren’t working or you can’t figure out where the nest is, it might be time to call in the roach bomb. Sounds kind of serious, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, they’re a common and effective method of ridding roaches in your home. Make sure you read the instructions before using the roach bomb, as they require a bit more effort. It usually involves leaving your home for two hours while the bomb works its magic, then ventilating for 30 minutes. If you’re sensitive to chemicals, using a roach bomb may not be the best method for you as they can leave chemical smells for a while.

Call in a professional

If your roach problem persists, or if you want to make damn sure that the little pests don’t return, the best method to rid your roaches is to call in a professional exterminator. An expert team like Adam’s Pest Control deal with roaches regularly, so they know where roaches are likely to enter your home and know how to stop them from getting in. They take care of your cockroach problem before it gets really out of hand. If you want to rid your roach problem for good, then the best method is to get in contact with Adam’s Pest Control today.